I can’t resist animal print shoes!
There was a time when I hated any sort of animal print with a passion. All it conjured up in my mind was tacky images of Bet Lynch behind the bar of the Rovers Return, resplendent in beehive and leopard print, closely followed by another corrie legend, Liz MacDonald, another classy, brassy looker. But those animal print hating days seem a long time ago now. These days I love any sort of animal print or skin. from leopard and cheetah, to zebra prints and even a little bit of snake. This has become the chicest of prints, whether you wear it in your clothing, or just keep it for shoes…
Introducing Couture Crush
Every so often, a new concept in shopping comes along to excite and invite, Couture Crush is just one of those websites. The concept is really simple, Couture Crush offers you the means to sell your unwanted designer and vintage buys in a safe environment, you can also look for a designer bargain at the fraction of the RRP. And, most interesting, if you have something to sell, and want to buy something on the site, you can always offer a swap, hence the fabulous motto ‘see, seek and switch’. Kaley Beardsmore, the brains behind Couture Crush describes some of their clients on the about page, saying ‘Our members are…
English Heritage inspiration from Joules
One of my favourite fashion trends of all time is the English heritage trend. Role models as diverse as The Queen and Debo, Duchess of Devonshire have been at the forefront of this particular trend since their youth, and the mantle has been passed on to Stella Tennant, Luella Bartley and Kate Moss. Films like The Edge of Love have also made English Heritage part of their charm. And this season, it is Joules that has created the perfect English Heritage collection. The English Heritage look is a design classic. It taps into the slightly disheveled look of the aristocracy off duty. Pretty printed tea dresses teamed with chunky Arran…