A Fireworks Safety Guide
Do you remember when Fireworks were just used on Guy Fawkes night, and for something extremely special, like a Royal Wedding? These days there are Fireworks displays for every special occasion or festival, from New Year’s Eve to Diwali, Last night of the Proms to wedding celebrations. With Chinese New Year just over two weeks away, (February 8th) this will be the next occasion where the sky is emblazoned with flashes of beautiful colour and light.
Pryers Solicitors, who deal with personal injury claims, have put together an informative infographic that shows both the beauty, and the risks associated with fireworks. ‘Don’t Monkey Around’ celebrates the arrival of the Year of the Monkey, but also gives a list of tips that can help any firework display pass safely. These include keeping pets inside, keeping a metal bucket to store your fireworks in, and a bucket of water just in case of accidents. It also talks of making sure your fireworks are safe, they need to comply with BS 7114 regulations. There have been many reports of illegal fireworks factories, so you need to buy your supply from reputable stockist.
With more than half of all fireworks related accidents taking place at home and family parties, fireworks safety is now more relevant and important than ever. If you are planning on any celebrations this year, whether for Chinese New Year or any other occasion, please make sure you that your party goes with ‘safe’ bang.