children,  family,  Halloween,  toys

A spooktastic family games night with Megableu

In these days that are dominated by games of a computerised kind, it is still nice to sometimes take time out to play games that come in a cardboard box that don’t require a keyboard, a control pad or have the words FIFA attached to them.

Megableu are a company who create great games that take can be played and enjoyed by all the family. These games are fun and exciting, and often incorporate various levels of difficulty so they can be enjoyed by children (and adults) of all ages.

With Halloween in mind, we were sent a couple of games from Megableu, Ghost Hunt Evolution and Creepy Hand. Creepy Hand is based on ‘Truth or Dare’ and is a little too old for Joe yet, although it would be fabulous for a Halloween Party, but Ghost Hunt Evolution gets a total thumbs up in our house – it is Just hilarious fun.

Ghost Hunt Evolution is all about Billy Bones, a spinning skull who projects ghosts and bats onto the walls of your home. Your task is to shoot the ghosts and bats to collect points. You do this with an electronic gun, whilst wearing multi vision glasses. This is best played in a dark room where the ghosts really stand out brightly.




You can set this to three different speed levels in order to make it more difficult for older children or adults.  After 10 shots the gun has to be reloaded. (Easy enough for my six year old to manage), and after each game the gun and the skull have to be calibrated – again this is very simple.

Playing Ghost Hunt at Nan’s.

The room was dark, I have used a night flash for the photographs. Billy Bones was placed on a dining room table to get the right height.




DSCN9324Ghost Hunt is a great game that I think really works well with the coming of Winter, when night comes early and children are looking for games to play indoors. This game makes great use of the darkness, and is a must if you are planning any parties for Halloween.

You can find out more about Megableu games by clicking here.

*We were sent games from Megableu to use as part of a family games night.

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