
A Teenage Girl Wish List

What to buy a teenage girl? To be honest, the fact that I was once a teenage girl myself is not all that helpful – times really have changed, and whilst I was interested in buying CDs, posters from Athena and accessories of all kinds from Salisburys, these days it is a whole new ball game. Luckily I have a 14 year old niece who keeps me in the loop when it comes to what teenagers really want.


This is my niece Lia’s number one choice when it comes to gift ideas. Push pins, slogan emblazoned notebooks, cute post it notes – all of these things have great favour when it comes to presents. Paperchase is probably the number one choice of store when it comes to shopping. At least all these things are practical and usable and will fit into the always present rucksack so they can be used for school and study too.

Knixteen – Period Proof Panties

This is not so much a present idea, but certainly something that could be a teenage essential, and certainly an item that I really wish was available when I was younger. Knixteen are period proof panties, super protective pants that deal with period leaks, either when you come on and didn’t expect it, or when your towel slips and you leak into your pants.

They come in two designs, boy shorts and bikini, and can hold two tampons of blood, keeping you dry and avoiding embarrassing staining of clothing. If your periods are on the irregular side, these could definitely be an answer to the monthly struggle to stay dry and clean.

Anything with a Unicorn on

You only have to walk around Primark, or check a store like ‘Not on the High Street’ to see that unicorns are a big story when it comes to both teens and tweens. They are everywhere! From t-shirts decorated with the mystical beast, to enormous cuddly toys, unicorns have become a big story in both fashion and homes and interiors. ‘I want to be a unicorn’ is a popular slogan printed on just about anything. But if your teen is not a fan of unicorns….

Then there are always llamas…

Because if you are puzzled by the trend for unicorns, then the trend for llamas and alpacas, and basically all things Peruvian may well have you shaking your head. Again, you can see the trend in action in stores like Primark, Joy and Tiger, and it seems to take in clothing, accessories and homewares that are perfect to decorate a bedroom.

The mind boggles with wonder at why these things (think also Cactus) have suddenly become popular with young girls, but it has to be said, at least when it comes to llamas, that they are at least cute.


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