
A Very Effective Guide To Choosing A Fakro Flashing Kit For Your Roof

Want to add windows to your rooftop? Looking for the right Fakro roof window flashing? You’re in the right place. This brief yet explicit guide will help you choose the right kit to avoid leakage problems later on. 

Flashings are vital for windows as they provide a weather-tight sealing between the roofing material and the roof window. The purpose of any flashing is to make sure the rainwater is appropriately drained off and doesn’t enter through the window space. The Fakro flashings are made of aluminium and are permanently coated with a polyester varnish.

The building material of your roof: 

 The kind of material you have on your roof determines the kind of flashing you need. 

  • Interlocking tiles: 

Most tiles are made of clay or concrete, and most flashings have the tendency to work with both of these materials. The flashing aprons on the bottom adjust any alteration in height, depending on the tile thickness. 

  • Slates: 

Slates have two primary varieties; man-made and natural. Generally, they have a thin profile not reaching more than 8mm in thickness as compared to tiles with thickness reaching up to 120mm. Fakro has a variety of slate flashings to best suit your slate roofs and thermally protect them. 

  • Plain tiles: 

You might confuse plain tiles with the interlocking ones at a glance. However, they have a more slender profile with a thickness of almost 16mm. Although it is relatively easy to adjust any sort of flashing for your window, Fakro, yet again, offers a wide variety of plain tile flashing kits to ensure faultless fitting. 

The pitch of your roof: 

You must know your roof’s pitch to select the right flashing kit. There are some flashings that can only work for a minimum pitch of 20 degrees. However, the minimum roof pitch recommended is 15 degrees. Measure the run and rise of your roof; this will help you calculate your pitch to select the best kind of Fakro flashing kit. 

Your window installation:

Windows are installed in two basic ways; standard and recessed. In the case of standard window installation, all types of flashing kits are suitable. In the recessed installation, the roof seems a bit more streamlined, and hence, Fakro offers this type of flashing kit for all three kinds of roofing materials.

In most areas, recessed window installation is a legal requirement; so it’s better to go for it as compared to the standard one. 

Combining your windows: 

In case you’re thinking of having more than one roof window, you’ll be delighted to know that Fakro offers combination flashing kits for that purpose. These flashings allow you to have side-by-side windows seamlessly adjacent to each other. Linking your windows will illuminate your space more aesthetically and bring out the oomph factor for your living space. 

Fakro has a variety of flashing kits, depending on your preference. Just let the experts know your requirements, and they’ll be more than happy to assist you. 

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