Art Deco Malvern
In August I was lucky enough to spend a very warm and sunny weekend in Malvern. It was our wedding anniversary, and we had decided to have a night away while Joe stayed at his Nan and grandads for the weekend. Malvern is a place that interested me, my sister had got married at one of the hotel’s there, but that had been our only visit, and I was interested as I knew the town had some Art Deco worth seeing.
Great Malvern is a stunning mixture of architecture, grand Georgian and Victorian pieces, some examples of Art Noveau glasswork, along with more modern Deco pieces. There is also a grade 2 listed bus shelter that also doubles as a war memorial in Barnards Green that is a really lovely example of Deco that we travelled out to see before we returned to Staffordshire.
Art Deco and Deco-esque pieces in Great Malvern
Pretty sure that this Iceland store would’ve once been a Burton, it is so typical of their design. Could do with some TLC but it is still a pretty impressive building.
WH Smith painted Advertising Tiles
The store itself is pretty nondescript, but the advertising tiles on the inner walls of WH Smith are pure 1930s and are just beautiful. They have been lovingly preserved too, a really gorgeous feature.
The Malvern Theatres
The Malvern Theatres, formally the Festival Theatre, was built in around 1885, but there are additions to the theatre from the 1920s that are definitely stylish Deco, including the very geometric curves and corner details.
Brays department store again dates back to the 19th century, but the style of its signage could be straight out of Agatha Christie. I believe the store may be closing later this year, which would be a shame, as the interiors are fascinating.
Park View
Park View was originally a water cure hospital built in 1848, so well before the Deco era, but everything about it screams Deco, from the stunning colour, to all those curves. It is now private flats. (thanks for the info Art Deco Magpie).
Row of Shops
I have no information about this interesting row of shops, except that they are pretty, and have some deco style to them.
War Memorial and Bus Shelter Barnards Green
Now a listed building. Beautiful isn’t it.