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Five fashion moments that made me smile this week.

Maybe it’s the sunshine, maybe it’s the coming of September (always one of my favourite months) or maybe it’s just that I have been in a good mood, but I have had some fashion moments this week that have made me smile, so I’ve noted them down for all to see and enjoy.

  1. Christine Hendricks, the lovely Joan from Mad Men, outshining all others at the Emmy Awards in a stunning parma violet-coloured Zac Posen feathered gown. Totally va va voom.
  2. The fabulous Crystal Renn starring in a fashion spread in this weeks Look magazine. The use of the amazing Renn meant the feature used lots of fab clothing from plus size range Evans.
  3. The now extended summer has meant further airings for my new maxi dresses and fab red patent wedges from Peacocks. Lets hope it lasts all month-long.
  4. My brand new camel and black dotted jumper from Next.So chic and Mad Men it almost makes me long for the cold weather. (I said almost…)
  5. The return of the River Island Panda hat. Grown women (Katy Perry, Cheryl Cole et al) looking like complete twits in their oh so cutesy hats made me laugh out loud last Winter, and is now set to do the same again this year. Why not go the whole hog and get some mittens on strings.


I have just watched fashion police the Emmys on the E entertainment channel, and listened as Joan Rivers described Christine Hendricks dress as ‘s disaster…if Jim Henson made dresses…’ or something like that. All I would like to add is that this is a bit rich coming from a women who no longer possesses any of her original facial features and was wearing what looked like Joan Collin’s Dynasty cast – offs circa 1985. All hail Christine – Queen of VA VA VOOM!

My fab new spot sweater £25.99 Next
These great wedges are now just £8 from Peacocks. I got them in red and camel.

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