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How To Drive Safe On A Summer Roadtrip

With warm weather comes a change in road conditions. While we might think of winter time as more dangerous when you’re getting behind the wheel of a car, thanks to a combination of slippery road surfaces and wear-and-tear on vehicles. But summer time presents a few challenges of its own. If you want to get the most from your time on the road during summer, it’s worth taking a look through a few of the tips we’ve outlined here.

Photo by Dominika Roseclay:

Staying Alert

During summertime, you’re likely to feel a little bit more tired – especially if you’ve been out in the sun all day. Ideally, you’ll plan in advance and make sure that you’re not driving while you’re fatigued. If you’re taking a longer trip, you might find that no amount of sleep will prepare you – which is why it’s essential that you break the trip up, with frequent breaks interspersed through the drive. 


During warm weather, your tyres are more prone to overheating. This will increase the risk of a puncture, especially if they’re nearing the end of their natural lifespans. The legal limit for your tread depth is around 1.6mm, but ideally you’ll replace your tyres long before you get anywhere near this, since you’ll experience reduced stopping distance even if you’re above this limit.

Look at Weather Forecasts

It’s better to be forewarned of what you can expect on the roads, especially if you’re heading out on a long trip. In the UK, the weather is prone to changing quickly, so it’s better to check the morning before you head out. If you’re regularly making long trips, then it might be a good idea to set up automatic alerts on your phone.

Photo by Avinash Patel:

Keep Protected

When you’re in your car under intense sunshine, then you’ll be at risk of sunburn. This goes especially for your arms and face. Make sure you apply sun-block before you start driving. In the UK, you can usually get away with just a little bit of the stuff. If you’re driving overseas, you might need to top up more regularly. In either case, it’s better to err on the side of caution.


When the sun is really out, you might find that you get plenty of sunlight bouncing at you from the road surface, and from cars and other objects. This goes especially if the sun comes out just after it’s rained. While the summer sun isn’t quite as blinding as a low winter one, it’s still something worth thinking about.

The best way to deal with this is to wear sunglasses. Keep a spare pair in your car so that you never go without. Being able to see is pretty essential. You don’t want your vision compromised. If you’re squinting, then you probably aren’t driving at your best. Plus, there’s no need to be uncomfortable in the driver’s seat.

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