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John Lewis Secret Santa

I’m totally thrilled to say that I am going to be taking part in the  John Lewis bloggers Secret Santa this month. As a lover of anything and everything to do with Christmas, this was one project that I could never refuse, especially as it was in conjunction with John Lewis, the King of the Christmas Ad Campaign.

This will be my second secret Santa project, but the first in about eight years. My first took place when I was working as a teacher and was a little bit of a disappointment. Almost all the people involved played it very safe, nearly everyone got a bottle of wine. There was a very small budget  and this led participants to go for a classic, failsafe, gift idea. I didn’t go down this route and the person who I gifted received a very cute set of shocking pink nodding dogs from New Look. Luckily she absolutely loved them and kept them on display in her car for a long time afterwards.

This Secret Santa should be much more exciting as all the gifts will be chosen from a special John Lewis gift list. I am going to be giving a gift to an as yet unknown blogger, with just a few days to research likes and dislikes. I think this sounds like tremendous fun and can’t wait to get started. I will keep you posted on all the developments.




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