Marketing Your Beauty Company Effectively.
In recent years there has been a real rise in the cottage industry attached to beauty. These companies have been increasing in two main areas – the import of cult beauty buys like Korean beauty that had not previously been available in US and European markets but are now popular online buys, and also the rise of the DIY products that have a Vegan and Eco slant that promise great results but also have the added prestige of being kind to animals and the planet, and not making the wearer compromise their views. This means that although we still have the big boys in beauty like L’Oreal and MAC, there are also plenty of new brands chomping at the bit and becoming cult buys and the latest must haves
If you are a beauty company, or have been creating your own products, from bath bombs and melts to unique skin formulations (many products started out on a kitchen table), then you need to make sure you have a marketing strategy for your business. Whether you’ve been in operation for five minutes or five years, there are always things you can do to improve performance and generate more leads.
One of the main things to look at is marketing, and in particular, specific, targeted marketing for your brand and target audience. Getting in touch with a digital agency, for instance a specific skincare PR company, to work on your online presence by having a well-researched marketing approach will really set you apart from your competitors and will ensure that your brand is noticed by all the right people.
Here are some of the things they will do for your company.
Post on Social Media
Social media is hugely popular around the world, so it’s worth setting up an account on the appropriate platforms so that you can reach and engage with a variety of different potential customers and deal with any customer service queries. As well as your customers, you’ll also be able to follow (and keep an eye on) your competitors and perhaps replicate their successful tactics. What’s more, social media will allow you to build brand awareness by showcasing your personality and company values.
Build a Website
If you don’t have a website, you’re missing a trick! Having a website is your way to provide potential customers with a great first impression of your company whilst they’re researching which business is most appropriate for their needs. What’s more, you’ll be able to make money whilst you sleep, which isn’t something you can do in a shop that has to be closed up at night. You can also use it to further promote your business through interesting articles and posts, you can employ copywriting services that can keep your site up to date with content, even if you don’t have time yourself.
Get in the Press
PR is a great way to market your business because it results in lots of attention without costing a penny. There are lots of ways to get into the press, such as creating a publicity stunt, donating to charity or taking part in a contest. A good PR agency will be contacting all the relevant publications about your latest product, sending out samples to key influencers and looking at gift guide inclusion as relevant ways to get your product ‘out there’.
Give Items Away
Everyone loves a gift and they’re a fantastic way to build brand awareness and ensure potential/existing companies remember you going forward. Your giveaway items don’t have to be expensive, but will really make a difference nonetheless.
Of course, some marketing techniques will work better for certain businesses than for others, so it may take a while and some experimenting to figure out what’s right for you. Either way, your aim is to create a buzz around your brand and engage with your customers.