Online Dating For Those With Disabilities
The world of dating and finding new love has never been in a stranger situation than the one we found ourselves in 2020. Reaching out and looking for someone for companionship, for love on a casual relationship or something more long lasting has always been a mixture of exciting and exhilarating, combined with a scary and nervy edge, but in 2020 all the rules of dating that we were so sure of changed. For long periods we couldn’t actually meet in person for a date, having to build up our relationships using emails, zoom and Whatsapp, and, even when we could get out, many of the traditional dating places – restaurants, pubs and bars, have meant that many dates have been met with ‘tiers’ (pardon the pun.)
But what does all this mean if you are disabled and looking for love?
The good news is that you are not alone, a quick search for the best deaf dating site will take you to one of the best dating sites if you want to meet someone else with a disability in your local area for friendship or love. This is a site that realises that travelling great distances to meet someone can be difficult if you suffer from a disability, particularly if it is one that makes mobility an issue, and so works hard to allow you to meet people in your own area. It has a very simple registration process that means you can be meeting people online very quickly, important if you are worried about being lonely this Christmas.
With many people and places in tier 3 restrictions this Christmas, dating is a little bit harder than usual, but as the restrictions are being lifted for five days, there is no reason why you shouldn’t meet your date in an accessible outside area like a park, local beauty spot or a National Trust style property. These places are a good idea as there is plenty of space if you need a mobility aid and are also often flat with clear paths and walkways. Use all your usual safety measures before your date – let someone know where you are and who you are with, and keep your mobile phone to hand, maybe also staying in busier areas, albeit retaining social distance of course.
If you are not up to meeting, maybe due to shielding, then you can make the most of chatting to new people online in the build up to be able to meet in person at a later date. Dating online means that you can speak to many different people at a time, and can then decide for yourself who you want to meet in real life, when it is a better time to do so. Evidence cited by points to the fact that people that chat or email online before meeting up are up to 94% more likely to meet up a second time, so it is well worth putting in the effort to build up a relationship first.
No one should have to be alone at Christmas, and being disabled does not have to mean being alone. A dating website could be your path to true love, or, at the very least, to a new friendship.