
Over 50 Inspirational Icons

In June this year I will celebrate my 45th birthday, that half way point between 40 and 50. A friend recently remarked on this and said that after that birthday it was ‘downhill all the way’. My remark back? What rubbish. There’s a definite school of thought these days that says life begins at 50, and even if you don’t buy into that yourself, life can certainly be vibrant, exciting and full of new positive challenges when you’ve blown out those 50 candles.

Things certainly have changed. I remember my nan celebrating her fiftieth birthday, and she seemed so much older than I feel now. She dressed more conservative, less fashionably, her hair was styled in a way that made her look much older than her 50 years , enjoyed pursuits that I wouldn’t dream of – social clubs, coach trips, watching darts and snooker. My nan felt prematurely old, old beyond her years.

But that is certainly no longer the case. Many of the most vibrant, sassy and inspirational women on our TV screens, our movie screens, our music charts and even on our magazine covers and catwalks have now reached that half century, and are frankly more in demand and look better than ever. They give us inspiration that says ‘I’m fifty and fabulous’, and in the case of Helen Mirren, Madonna and Mary Berry, are actually far beyond that particular milestone and are absolutely rocking their years.

Here are just some of the brilliant, inspirational fifty-somethings that make my heroine list.

Kylie Minogue

Kylie celebrated her fiftieth birthday last year with the release of her most critically acclaimed albums in years, the Nashville style, country tinged ‘Golden’. Kylie has had ups and downs when it comes to both her musical career and her social life, but she continues to be funny, charming, a bit of a style chameleon and a maverick totally in charge of her own life and career. Definitely an inspiration.

Glenn Close

Iconic and brilliant, the powerhouse actress that is Glenn Close celebrated a best actress Oscar nomination this week at the age of 71. She has a talent and charisma that women half her age aspire to, and yet is growing older gracefully – no botox or plastic surgery for this lady.

Want further proof that Glenn is a total inspiration? Glenn has won three Golden Globe awards and two primetime Emmys since she had her fiftieth birthday.

Anna Wintour

Recognised instantly by her large dark glasses and trademark bobbed hair, Anna Wintour is one of the most powerful women in the world of publishing media. The US Vogue editor is now 69 years old and has headed US Vogue since 1988. Although their have been rumours that she might be getting ready to hand over the reins, it certainly hasn’t happened yet as she enters her 70th year.

Michelle Obama

The most inspirational First lady of all time is 55 and is more fabulous and awe inspiring than ever, a fact attested to by her husband Barack.

Her book, Becoming Michelle Obama was a huge best seller in 2018, full of real moments of inspiration like ‘I never cut class. I loved getting A’s, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world.’

Michelle gives inspiration to future generations that being clever and working hard is the coolest thing, it doesn’t mean you’re a geek or a swot, it is really aspiration.

The woman is a total inspiration.


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