Preparing Your Child to Go Back to School After Summer
When the time comes for the kids to go “back to school” after the long summer break, a lot of transitioning is involved, not only for them but also for parents. Not to worry; with a little forethought and a lot of organisation everything will run smoothly. Here are some tips from a prep school in Kensington to help you feel better about the situation.
• Re-establish a healthy sleep pattern. Eradicate the late nights and long lie-ins in the run up to the new term; otherwise those early mornings will be tough for all of you.
• Shop for supplies and get organised. Taking your kids to choose their own stationery and other school supplies will help get them excited to go back to school. It will also ensure you are all organised in advance so that there is no last minute rushing around.
• Slowly phase out TV and video games. When your kids go back to school, they’ll no longer be able to spend hours on end playing video games and this will come as quite a shock. It’s a good idea to slowly reduce the amount of hours your kids can use their tech so that it doesn’t seem like such a big deal when the time comes.
• Expect the unexpected. When you’re a parent anything can happen, so be prepared! Have an after school game plan lined up, but also have a backup plan in case the first plan goes wrong.
• Check in with your child. They might be feeling anxious about starting a new school year due to peer pressures like smoking. Remind them many schools are now installing vape detectors in a bid to help keep them safe. It’s your job to help them feel better about the situation.
The more prepared you are, the easier the back to school period will feel. For further advice and any helpful resourses, contact your child’s school and the teachers will be happy to help.
Helping Your Child with their Social Skills
Every child has a different set of skills; some need help with maths or science, while others need help to develop their social skills. They all grow and mature at different rates and parents should always do the best they can to help where possible. Having good social skills will help your child, both now and in the future, in terms of personal relationships, school and even in their career. Read on for some advice from a private school in London.
Teach your child about emotions and how they can be expressed, both verbally and using body language. This will help them identify how other people are feeling so that they can then demonstrate appropriate behaviour and responses. Explain to them the basics of good manners and kindness, so when they see someone crying they can empathise and offer a helping hand.
For young children, playdates with their little friends are essential. It’s crucial that you support their friendships, as these are key to good social develop. Having a friend round teaches them to share, take turns and generally be polite to guests. Explain to your child how important it is to make a guest feel comfortable and be sure to practise acceptable ways to interact with others. Many kids don’t really understand that everyone requires personal space, so this is something that should be discussed.
Throughout their school life, it’s worth encouraging your child to get involved with extracurricular activities, as these are great for boosting confidence and encouraging good social development. For example, if they join a football team they will learn the importance of teamwork.
As a parent, it’s vital to always model good behaviour so that your child can replicate it. Be respectful and polite when ordering a meal in a restaurant and be friendly and courteous to other parents in the playground. Your child will pick up habits from you, so try to always be on your best behaviour.
If you are truly worried that your child’s social development is a little delayed, it might be worth considering professional support. A therapist of psychiatrist will be able to determine the underlying problem and help treat it. It’s also wise to speak to your child’s teachers, as they will be able to keep an eye on them and look out for issues such as bullying.
What is the Primary School Curriculum?
In the UK, there is a statutory primary natural curriculum in place which includes agendas of study and various attainment targets. This curriculum must be taught in all state schools across England and is issued by law. The aim of this curriculum is to provide a consistency throughout the country so that all children learn and develop at the same rate, no matter which town or city they come from.
In private schools, such as Orchard House School, the curriculum is a little different. However, no matter what subjects are taught and the ways in which the teachers plan their lessons, the end goal in both public and private schools is to give every single child the best chance of fulfilling their abilities.
According to the national curriculum, compulsory subjects at primary school level are as listed below. However, they may have a different name at your child’s school.
• English, Maths & Science
• History & Geography
• Art & Design
• Music
• Physical Education (including swimming)
• Religious Education
• Computing
• Modern Foreign Languages
At the end of each Key Stage, children are required to take several tests to check their progress. The results will be sent to parents so that you can understand which areas require additional support. However, children are typically assessed throughout the academic year, not just during their tests. This helps teachers tailor their lesson plans to help the children as best they can.
Teachers are keen to involve parents in their child’s education, so if you have any questions about their curriculum don’t be afraid to ask. The more you understand what your child is learning about in school, the easier it will be for you to help explore similar topics at home. After all, you want to make their most of your child’s education so that they can achieve success.