Health,  Lifestyle

Raising Awareness of Young People’s Mental Health Issues

One of the most absorbing and awe inspiring events I attended last year was the Elite Fashion Show. As well as showcasing a range of talented designers, the event was also raising awareness of young people’s mental health issues, with some of those who have suffered from the effects of mental health, both themselves, or as carers for others, taking to the stage in a very special catwalk show. The message was clear, mental health issues can affect anyone, and being young is certainly no barrier against this – issues can start as early as school years.

The shocking thing is that despite the fact Mental Health is becoming less stigmatised as an issue, funding into research and care is still terribly low. Just £8 per person is spent on research into mental health issues that affect 1 in 4 people every year.  MQ , who are trying to transform mental health through research, have produced a thought provoking infographic that shows that intervention in issues of Mental Health needs to be done at an early age. The reason for this is that 75% off all those who develop mental illness did so before the age of 18. It is estimated that 3 children in every classroom has a diagnosable mental illness, something that could be treated and addressed with better research and better mental health funding.

MQ Mental Health Infographic(1)

Mental Health is an issue that should no longer need to be hidden away, covered up and not discussed or treated. You can learn more about finding a therapist online to help with your anxiety or other mental health issues at

The final section of the infographic shows that great strides are being made in terms of psychological treatments for issues like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and eating disorders, showing that when investment is made, it can make a huge difference. But the research by MQ shows there is still a lot of work to be done if we want to truly help vulnerable young people.





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