Styling tips for the older gent
It was Coco Chanel who said ‘…fashion only fades, style remains the same…’ and whilst I think she was probably referring to her own effortless, ageless style when she said this, I think this is true to everyone, male or female. As we get older we may become less fashion-forward with our choices, may not take as many risks, but we may discover our true style, and that is something that really lasts.
Men’s clothing brand Chums have recently been focusing on questions about men’s style, looking at whether you can comprimise to ensure that you are both stylish and comfortable. They asked me for my own style tips for men, specifically men who are no longer looking to follow fashion, but to achieve a real look combining style and personality. With this in mind, I’ve put together a few tips that might ensure sartorial elegance at any age.
Avoid looking at London Fashion Week Men
These looks are to be left on the catwalk, never to be spoken of again. Last week a friend informed me that Chanel says it is OK for men to wear head to toe yellow this season. It isn’t – over ripe banana is never a good look, even Eric Twinge added blue to the mix.
But do get inspiration from the celebs
Many of Hollywood’s best dressed celebrity males are now the wrong side of 50. A case in point is the delectable George Clooney. Clooney totally understands the rules of male grooming, he’s suave, smart and elegant. He also recognises the beauty of timeless pieces, a well cut blazer, a plain shirt, wearing black and grey together, and the fact that even on formal occasions, you don’t always need a tie.
It’s all about tailoring
One of the main comments made about Donald Trump in terms of his personal style is just how bad the tailoring is. Oversized suits, shabby loose cuffs, extra long ties, these all go to make one extremely slovenly look. Well fitted clothes make all the difference, trousers with slimmer legs, fitted blazers in a single breasted style, even a thinner, smaller tie can transform a look from a fail, to a pass with flying colours.
Step away from the Grecian
Men, you are so lucky! You are allowed to grow old gracefully and it is called distinguished. So step away from the Grecian 2000 and embrace the white and grey. Salt and Pepper hair is so sexy, just look at the aforementioned George Clooney, Richard Gere, Paul Hollywood, Philip Schofield, the list of silver foxes are just endless. Think about it, would you rather be an ageing Elvis with ridiculous hair, or a suave stylish gent with a distinguished edge?
I would choose style over fashion any day – perhaps that’s my age! 😉 But yes, I totally agree here and with your choice of celebrity icons. George Clooney, effortless style personified. Tx
Great tips! Might try some out on my dad 🙂
Jodie Whitham
I never think of men as stylish, as we never notice if they wear the same jeans or something. I remember recently that a loose women panelist tried this by wearing the same top repeatedly whereas a male celeb did it and nothing was mentioned. However it is all about simplicity that makes these two men stylish. They also look like men!They’re not trying too hard if that makes sense x
danasia fantastic
I love these styling tips-I need to use them on my boyfriend! Also, I’m a huge fan of George Clooney:)
Sarah Bailey
You certainly choose well when you chose the celebrities to showcase as icons of style. I agree with all you have said here, especially about putting down the Grecian. Though I must say that men have it much easier when it comes to style and aging than us women do!
I could have sat and looked at the picture of George all day :). I love the older man syle and luckily my husband does too much more stylish x
Stephanie Merry
I love a classic style for the older guy – George Clooney always looks great! x
Rhian Westbury
I like the Chanel quote, and a lot of older men still look very stylish x
Miracle Max
An overripe banana is definitely not a good look. George Clooney is total swoon, looks so good for his age. Jo x
Haha yeah I think I have to agree with you about the banana look!
I do like the tailored style though. Very nice!
Some great tips here. You can’t beat a classic look, i’m not a fan of the banana look x
Growing old gracefully is the best tip! George is rocking those greys!
Stephanie Cummings
How hansom does george cloony look in that picture. I always think he looks effortless.
Lubka Henry
Cool tips. I think older gents can pull a look together very well. Thanks for sharing!
My husband is always looking to celebrities for what is in fashion wish for him. What George is wearing looks like something my hubby would wear too.
melissa major
Very good tips, my grandad always wore suits everyday looking smart
Nayna Kanabar
Such good tips I think I need to learn from this and restyle my partners wardrobe
Joanna @mumbalance
Men are lucky indeed to be prized more when they age. And you are right that well tailored clothes and salt and pepper hair looks really good.
Tanya Brannan
Oh i do love a stylish dapper dressed man! I really don’t think you can beat a lovely shirt, waistcoat, tie and pocket square. Salt and Pepper hair is one of the things I love the most!
Loving your tips Emma. George Clooney always looks good.
Leah Lander-Shafik
These are amazing tips! I do love it when anyone makes an effort but I suppose as long as you’re feeling comfortable you can be confident. x
Style over fashion any day, some of the looks on the catwalk are insane. And George Clooney will always be a fashion god
Jacqui Paterson
I totally love George Clooney’s style – classic and elegant. And I know just what you mean about Trump – all that money and not a scrap of style! How is that even possible? 😉 x
Great tips! I’m going to have to show my dad this post.
Love a man that grows old gracefully, with a little maintenance of course 🙂
Kristina Maggiora
Style is so much more important than fashion! Love GC’s style 🙂
Charli Bruce
I love George Clooney’s style, he is just so well put together. I’ve always said that style is so much more important than fashion as it makes the man xx