Worrying for our children’s futures.
As adults, I think it is an inbuilt part of our psyche to worry. We worry about bills, money, our health and our jobs. But mostly, we worry about our children. As a mother of a teenager, I constantly find myself dithering about him. I worry about school, if he has friends, I worry myself sick when he is ill. But what really worries me is when I begin to think about his future. What sort of a life will he have, and what will the world we live in be like then? A survey carried out a few years ago by My Voucher Codes asked people what most worries them…
Choosing The Perfect Gift For A Child
Buying a gift for someone is never easy, but when that person is a child who doesn’t belong to you, the minefield becomes even more dangerous. Whether it be a gift for a niece or nephew, the son or daughter of a friend, or a gift to take to one of the numerous birthday parties your child will attend before their 10th birthday (we all know kids have better social lives than we do, right?), the urge to ‘get it right’ is very strong. So, what do you choose? This post is not about the actual items that you can choose from, but how you can make sure you choose…
The Value Of Development In Toddlers
Over the years research has shown that the first few years in the life of a child are vital to enable them to develop in later years properly. Your baby will start to learn about their surrounding from a very young age, in fact when they are still in the womb. The earliest experiences and the bonds that they share with the parents play an essential role in their later development. Investing In Your Child It is vital that you create a caring and loving environment for your child, and another essential factor which is need is stability. Routine plays a massive part in the life of a child and…