• jewellery

    Learn How Finding an Expert Jeweller Can Help Save Your Money

    Finding the perfect engagement ring for one’s fiancé is something deeply satisfying for both the giver and receiver. Enlisting the help of an expert jeweller will not only make the process easier, but can also provide fantastic value for money. When the time comes to buying an engagement ring, one can easily start to become overwhelmed with the amount of options, styles, price variations and internal pressure involved in making the perfect purchase. A few weekends of visiting jewellery stores and dealing with sales staff, absorbing strange new terminology and viewing row upon row of diamond rings can really start to put one on edge. The perfect way to sidestep…

  • jewellery,  Lifestyle,  weddings

    The 4 Cs – The Essence of a Diamond Engagement Ring

      If you are looking to invest in a diamond engagement ring, but know very little about these precious stones, this article was written with you in mind. The ring will be a significant investment, and therefore, it makes perfect sense to learn a little about diamond evaluation, and without further ado, here is a detailed breakdown of the four Cs. The Cut – The cut is primarily how the stone is shaped, and the many facets are cut in such a way to allow for the maximum amount of light to be reflected back to the eye of the beholder. If the cut of a diamond is too shallow,…

  • jewellery,  Marilyn Monroe

    5 Tips to choosing the right diamond

    It may not look like it, but choosing the right diamond for an engagement ring is an important decision. It is one of the things that symbolizes your commitment and love to the person you are spending the rest of your life with. However, choosing the right ring, most especially the right diamond can be very overwhelming. There’s a lot of information about diamonds and it can get very confusing. Also, you have to be very careful in choosing your options and consider if your partner will like it or not. If you’re having a hard time, here are five tips to keep in mind when choosing the right diamond.…

  • fashion,  jewellery,  Lifestyle

    Diamond Engagement rings from Orla James

    Marilyn Monroe said it best. A kiss on the hand may well be Continental, but when it comes to being a girls best friend, diamonds rate very highly. That most beautiful of stones has it all when it comes to class, elegance and luxury, so when it comes to choosing a ring as important as an engagement ring, diamonds are always a choice that rate very highly – it’s a forever ring after all, one that signifies a lifetime commitment to the person you love. Orla James are a jewellery company with a difference. Offering a wide range of engagement and wedding rings that are ‘made with love in the…

  • fashion,  jewellery,  Marilyn Monroe,  style

    How Not To Be Fooled By Non-Authentic Diamond Purchases

      There is the age old saying: “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. Fortunately, this statement holds true to its meaning. Diamonds are a universal gem and hold their value, being one of the most precious gems money can buy. One of the reasons why diamonds cost so much is because they are hard to come by. Both the extraction and cutting process takes a great amount of time and effort to produce that shiny beautiful gem you are wearing around your neck or on your finger. When purchasing diamonds or jewellery in general, there are wide selections to choose from. But when making your selection, buyers must also be…