Tips For Dealing With A Bad Back
Back pain can be one of the most debilitating conditions to cope with. My own experience of back pain started after I had an epidural during a caesarean section, since then I have suffered with (thankfully) sporadic back pain that is made worse when I take long walks, or have to walk up a lot of stairs and steps. On these occasions doing anything becomes difficult and I can suffer severe discomfort and lots of pain. My own back pain came through pregnancy, but there are many other reasons why you may encounter your own pain. This can be anything from having a serious accident, being injured through sports and…
Everything You Need To Know About Health Insurance
The post-covid world is vastly different than the one we were used to, before the pandemic not many people understood the role that health insurance can play during times of distress. However, all of that changed once people went through one of the toughest phases in recent history, where we saw people scrambling for resources and the cost of hospitalization skyrocket to unimaginable heights. Today, awareness of health insurance is at an all-time high and a much higher percentage of the population is opting in for the service. They have come to realize the fact that without health insurance they could lose access to the best treatment, hospitals, and other…
Improving Your Night Time Routine
If you have one aim to help improve your general health, it should be to take better care of yourself. Self care is something that lots of us neglect to do, in the rush to look after everyone else around us. This is a real shame, as taking better care of ourselves, through things like exercise and healthy eating can make us happier and more productive. One area of self care that I aim to improve on is sleep. I know that over the last year, as lockdowns and home working and schooling have taken their toll, I struggled with sleep. I could not establish a sleep pattern, spent far…