• fashion,  High street,  shopping,  style

    We Need To Talk About Savvy Shopping!

    Do you adore shopping like me? Some people see it as a sport, even a hobby? Even if you don’t love to shop, you’ll still need to buy things at some point. So check out my tips for savvy shoppers below and get the most for your money. Your Credit Cards Many of your purchases, particularly when you are shopping online, are made on credit cards. This seems to be a good thing, you have protection if your items don’t turn up, and can then pay on a buy now pay later basis. But is this really such a good idea, and how much do you actually end up spending…

  • beauty,  Lifestyle

    Finding The Best Beauty Products For Less

    Whether you are looking to buy some beauty products for pampering yourself or for gifting, finding the right ones can be a bit tacky at times. The pocket pinch is also a matter of concern. But, when it comes to your skin, hair and health, opting for products sold in the local markets is not a safe thing to do. So, what can you do to make it easier on your pocket without having to compromise on the quality of the beauty and makeup products. There are quite a few ways to this, such as knowing what you need, using coupons such as the Koovs first order coupon code, buying…

  • beauty,  shopping

    Try a beauty box in 2017

    I have always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with beauty subscription boxes. In the past I have subscribed to a couple, and have then ended the subscription when I felt that the quality of products was not for me. But recently I have started to subscribe again, and feel my opinion has changed. In this post I’m going to tell you some of the reasons why. The Quality of the products In general, you can expect to see some great quality, high end products in a beauty box. A great example of this is the current Look Fantastic Beauty Box. Inside that box you will find products from…

  • fashion,  High street,  money,  shopping

    BetterVouchers.com – finding the best deals for you.

    Question: Have you ever decided to buy something and then searched the internet for a voucher code? The answer is probably yes. Next question. Have you ever searched the voucher code sites and ended up really disappointed – no real offers, directory listings that are being advertised as ‘offers’ or ‘offers’ that you can find when you go shopping anyway – things like free returns or free delivery? I’m guessing the answer is probably yes once again. It is so frustrating that my voucher sites fill their pages full of offers, discounts and bargains that are anything but. This is why I am so impressed with the ethics and ethos…

  • accessories,  fashion,  High street,  holidays,  shopping,  style

    Making a saving on the summer holiday wardrobe

    As much as I love the physical activity of shopping, I find that these days I do it less and less. There are many reasons for this. The first is that I work from home during the week, and find it a little bit naughty to just take off on a shopping trip when I’m meant to be working. The second reason is, come the weekend, we do a lot of family activities, and my little boy Joe is most definitely shopping-phobic, so we tend to avoid shopping centres in the main and any shop that isn’t a sports or toy shop in general. Shopping in my past Now  …