children,  education

The Importance Of Play In Child Development

Play is one of the most important aspects of a child’s development. Not only does it keep them occupied for a good while but it helps them build on a number of skills that are crucial for their future. It is a natural and enjoyable way for them to keep active and stay happy and well. In order for children to develop well and have both good mental and physical health, they need to take part in different types of unstructured play from as soon as they are born. Here is some advice from a private sixth form in Guildford on the importance of play in child development. 

Structured and unstructured play helps your child in many ways such as building their confidence, helping them understand more about how the world works, developing social skills such as language and communication, developing physical skills, learning how to care for others and the environment and how to feel loved and safe.

As your child grows up, you will notice that their attention span as well as the skills they develop are used to change the way that they play. Your child will become more creative and start to experiment with the toys and games that are provided. You may notice this when they are playing with other children or independently.

To encourage young ones to get more involved with play, you can set up some games for them. Simple jigsaw puzzles will help them with their fine motor skills whilst helping them with their concentration skills. Play dough is also a fun and easy route to take. Not only will your child be able to strengthen the muscles in their hands, but they will be able to work on their creativity too. 

If your child seems uninterested in play, consider changing up their toys and activities regularly to keep them stimulated. 

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