The Stylish, Comfy Maternity Attire to Gift Soon-to-Be Moms
As a parent, brother/sister, husband, or friend, you might be wondering what gift to get a lady you care about who is expectant. Because you’re thoughtful, you decide you need to get her something that will not only make her feel great, but also make her pregnancy easier because of the gift’s practicability. So you settle on gifting her with a maternity outfit.
The decision of what outfit to buy for the soon-to-be mom might seem overwhelming at first because of the vast variety of options to choose from. However, you’re decision becomes a whole lot easier when you start with the basics: giving priority to style and comfort. The body of a woman goes through significant changes during pregnancy.
The options are numerous and you wouldn’t want to hold back because this is a special gift. Therefore, the best approach to take might be keeping in mind things you need to avoid when buying maternity clothes as a gift. Here are a few tips.
No seams at the waist
Seams on clothes will cause discomfort around the waist area as her belly expands. In addition to getting her clothes that make her look great, you want those clothes to last her throughout the period of her pregnancy. So make sure whatever outfit you buy for her is seamless at the waist so that her belly easily grows into it.
Classic silhouettes are a safe bet
The simplest outfits are usually the best when it comes to gifting maternity attire to expectant moms. Admittedly, they may not seem as exciting as dresses with elaborate designs. However, expectant mothers are most likely to wear the simplest dresses in their wardrobes most often because comfort is crucial, especially in the summer.
Think layers
It is often the case that during the second trimester where an expectant mother’s belly is in a sort of transition phase, a cardigan becomes increasingly preferable. They could easily layer it over dresses and tops from Love Trendify such that it hides certain features while accentuating others, such as her cute baby bump.
Favour darker colours
Maternity clothes with darker colors have the optical effect of making the expectant mother appear somewhat smaller. In addition to that, the dark hues have a way of hiding problem areas that may be otherwise conspicuous. These colors are also easier to match with other clothes compared to brighter colors.
Flowing pieces are preferable
You need to be careful here not to get her outfits that are exceedingly billowy as they tend to make her look bigger. A go in-between option works best, such as a cotton blouse that hugs her body in all the right places while still ensuring she is comfortable.
Buy one size up
Choosing for her dresses that are one size up ensures that the expectant mother will be able wear them during and after the pregnancy. For instance, you might want to buy her are formation dress that is one size up. It would look great and fit without the belt during her pregnancy, and she can have it resized afterward.
Sofia P. Sanders has worked as a stylist in the fashion industry for 13 years. She has written numerous articles and blog posts on topics related to fashionable maternity wardrobe. Learn more about gifting mothers at Love Trendify.