
Vaccinating Your Children

When you have a child, you are often informed of when vaccinations will be due. These are not compulsory, however, the illnesses they prevent can be severely life limiting, or even fatal. As with any form of medication, there are always side effects and risks attached. If your child has shown one of these side effects previously, you may be hesitant for them to, if suitable, receive their next injection. For some truly severe reactions, which could be due to malpractice, you may even be asking ‘Can you sue the NHS?’ – if this is you, click the link for more info. 

Otherwise, the initial vaccinations that your child will receive will cover some of the following illnesses. 


This highly contagious virus can be prevented as part of the MMR vaccine, which was first licensed in 1971, commonly given to babies when they reach 1 year old. Measles, if contracted, can pass within 10 days with only some discomfort. However, in some cases, it can lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia, brain inflammation, and even death. The UK had received WHO measles elimination status in 2017, however, this was removed in 2018 due to more circulating cases where parents had opted out of the vaccine. 

Meningitis B

The vaccine for Meningitis B, which was only introduced in 2015, can also help to save lives. This particular illness can lead to hearing loss, seizures, kidney problems, amputation, and death. It is believed that 10% of Meningitis B cases end in fatality, showing how important it is to prevent your child from contracting this. 

The vaccination for Meningitis B is initially administered to your baby at 8 weeks old, and a second dose needs to be given when they are 16 weeks old. 

6 in 1

For an infant’s first three vaccination appointments, at 8, 12, and 16 weeks respectively, you will also be offered the 6 in 1 vaccination for your child. This covers diphtheria, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, polio, tetanus, and whooping cough. This course of vaccinations is given over three periods to ensure that your immune system adapts to prevent them from contracting these viruses in the future. It also contains no live organisms, meaning your baby cannot develop the aforementioned illnesses from receiving the vaccine. 

Some parents may be wary about their children having vaccinations, particularly due to the rising theories that are found on forums and social media every day. It is always best, if you are concerned, to do your research by speaking to those who are formally registered in practicing medicine, as well as reading information available from trusted sources, such as medical journals. 

Wanting the best for your baby isn’t just about their food, clothes, toys, and educational chances. It also means choosing the best options regarding their health that will benefit and protect them even later on in life.

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