home and interiors

10 Warning Signs That Your Boiler Needs Immediate Repair

When a boiler isn’t working right, repairs are needed to make sure it can heat the home properly. But, what are the warning signs? Homeowners should look out for any of the following and get immediate help if one or more is detected. 

Odd Noises

Any odd noises should be investigated quickly, as they may indicate that the boiler isn’t working properly. When odd noises are detected, homeowners in need of boiler repairs will want to call in an expert right away to find out what’s wrong and what needs to be fixed. 

Heating is Inconsistent

If the heating is inconsistent throughout the home or it turns on and off at odd times and doesn’t keep the home at a set temperature, there could be issues with the boiler. It’s a good idea to have it inspected right away. 

Too Long to Heat the Home

Even if the homeowners have found the perfect setting for the thermostat, if the boiler isn’t working correctly, the home is going to take longer to heat. While it can take time to heat a home when the boiler initially turns on, if it seems to be taking longer than usual, it’s worth having it checked out. 

Drips or Leaks

Drips or leaks coming from the boiler should be treated as an emergency, as they can indicate major issues. It is important to determine what is leaking or where the leaks originate to determine what needs to be repaired. 

Issues With Pilot Light

Homeowners should know how to light the pilot light if it goes out. However, if it goes out frequently or changes color, it is crucial to have the boiler inspected right away. This could indicate a much bigger problem and could be hazardous, so it’s best to have it checked out. 

Energy Bill Increases

Any huge increases in the energy bill should be checked out, as they can indicate that the boiler is running more frequently than expected or that it is having trouble regulating the temperature in the home. Have an inspection done to see if the boiler is the cause of the higher bills. 

Strange Smells

Strange smells can indicate hazardous issues with the boiler, so they should never be ignored. If there are any strange smells, it may be best to stop using the boiler until it can be inspected. Emergency repairs may be needed to get it working again. 

Boiler Keeps Shutting Off

If the boiler shuts off frequently, it could indicate issues with the boiler’s thermostat. It can also cause energy costs to increase or other issues with the boiler, so it is a good idea to have it inspected right away. 

No Hot Water

A lack of hot water could indicate leaks or other issues with the boiler. Inspecting it right away can help to determine the cause and figure out how to restore the hot water to the home. 

Age of the Boiler

Though the age itself doesn’t indicate an issue, if the boiler is older and starts to have other issues, it may be a good idea to replace it. Repairs will only last so long before the boiler stops working. 

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, then your boiler might be having an issue. Fast repairs are needed to get it in shape again and prevent further issues. Contact an expert today to learn more about how they can help get your boiler working properly again. 

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