• fashion

    Why Is Semi-Permanent Makeup Superior To Makeup?

    We asked Kirsty Smith from Flawless UK why she believes permanent makeup is a better option for your health and lifestyle than traditional makeup and how opting for permanent makeup may improve your life. It is healthier for your skin: Putting on makeup plugs our pores and causes our skin to feel as though it has been invaded by exotic entities. Lipstick, eyeliner, and other cosmetic items may cause our skin to become oily, drab, and unhealthy. Add to it the tedious, harsh process of taking off things like waterproof makeup, and you can see how tough makeup can be for our fragile skin. We can now stop this chemically destructive, oil-sucking routine…

  • home and interiors

    How Do You Compare Estate Agents?

    When it comes to selling your home, choosing an estate agent to help you is a decision you will always want to get right.  Of course, it goes without saying that you want to achieve the best possible price for your property, and you don’t want it hanging around on the market for longer than it needs to, leaving you in limbo when it comes to moving house or missing out on your dream home.  With estate agent fees taking up a considerable chunk of your moving expenses (anywhere between 1.5-3% of the total cost of your home on average), it’s also a no brainer that you want to get…

  • family,  furniture,  home and interiors,  homewares

    Making Additional Storage Space In Your Loft

    When it comes to our homes, it seems that the one thing we can never have enough of is storage space. As our families grow, we need more and more space to store our belongings, our clothes, toys and all the other things that we seem to just accumulate. We resort to more cupboard space, under bed storage, we even put things in sheds and garages and hope for the best. And yet many of us ignore a storage solution that is literally right over our heads – our loft space. Although our loft space is something we can try to convert ourselves, the best jobs are completed by professional…

  • jewellery

    How To Choose The Perfect Diamond – Step By Step Shopping Guide

    If you’re looking for a diamond engagement ring, you may agree that the most difficult aspect of buying an engagement ring is selecting the diamond. Most online retailers provide an option to build your ring. Part of this process includes choosing your diamond, out of thousands of other options. If money is no concern, then this won’t be a problem at all – though you still want to find good value for your purchase. However, if you’re on a tight budget, picking the best diamond you can afford will be more complex and time-consuming. Being aware that the diamond goes a long way to determining the look of the ring…

  • theatre

    The Ever Powerful Animal Farm Opens At The Birmingham Rep

    George Orwell’s Animal Farm is one of the most powerful books of the 20th Century. An allegory, it uses the plight of the animals on Manor Farm, to mirror what had happened in Russia after the revolution of 1917. The animals, fired up by Old Major, a pig, decide to take over their farm by getting rid of their human owner, and taking over themselves with a list of commandments which end with ‘All animals are equal.’ But little by little, the pigs start to take over, bending rules to suit themselves, and then, after a power struggle (Stalin and Trotsky inspired), the vicious Napoleon emerges as the leader every…