Stylish Movies: Rocketman
In the midst of what seems like thousands of films that are based on Marvel, or have men wearing capes and tights, music fans have actually been having a golden age when it comes to the movies. Mamma Mia Here We Go Again, Bohemian Rhapsody, A Star is Born and now Rocketman have all brought musicals back to our screens, and I for one, am loving it. With the Judy Garland biopic starring Renee Zellweger and Yesterday coming later this year, it seems the perfect time to start going to the movies again. Rocketman is based on the life of Elton John, with special focus on his early life and…
La Marquise Bow Embrace Robe From UK Lingerie
The best sort of robe/dressing gown feels like a warm hug. It is there when you step out of the bath, or out of bed on the coldest of mornings, when all you really want to do is get back in again. It is a comfort blanket when you are not feeling your best, or are hungover, or have just decided to have a duvet day. The La Marquise Bow Embrace Robe from UK Lingerie totally fits the bill for all of the above requirements, and it is super pretty too. Pretty perfect in fact. UK Lingerie is well known for its beautiful range of underwear, but less well known is…
Walsall Art Deco And Interesting Buildings
Walsall is further proof that there are stunning, art deco and moderne buildings to be found in even the smallest of towns. When actually has a plethora of interesting buildings, and its Victorian buildings are as big and imposing as you will find anywhere, but as usual, these are not really the buildings that interest me, as lovely as they may be. I have found some amazing examples of deco on the outskirts of Walsall and in other small towns that make up the borough, but I will save these for another post, and instead concentrate on buildings that you can find in and around the town centre. Former Walsall…