How Do Chores Support My Child’s Overall Development?
Chores sound like the bane of every child’s existence, unless you’ve been blessed with a child that enjoys them! But there are benefits to giving your children chores, as explained by this private boys school in London. They allow your child to be independent Your child’s getting the most out of handling day-to-day activities by being given their own level of responsibility. Chores rely on a child to handle something you’re usually in charge of, so it gives them a huge level of confidence if they feel they’re strong enough to handle a task normally reserved for adults. Children are taught teamwork Being a part of a team is a…
Top Tips for Raising An Environmentally Conscious Child
Unfortunately, as the world changes, so does our impact on the environment. In the past 20 years we’ve seen rapid change to the world. We’re also more equipped to combat common eco-conscious issues whether we’re adults or guiding our children into being more eco-friendly. In this guide from a boys school in Hertfordshire, we take a look at some top tips you can teach your children to be more mindful of the planet and how we can work together to bring about a more eco-friendly society. Visit a science museum A lot about how we live and thrive comes from science. Take your child to a science or even history-themed…
Helping Your Child Transition From Nursery To Big School
The big jump to primary school from nursery is a whole new level of stress for a child. It can take a little while for children to get used to, especially as they learn about their new teachers, making friends from completely different schools and a whole new curriculum. It’s a lot for a child, but it can be made easier by helping them along the way. In this guide we look at how you can help your child with their big change from nursery to entering their first years in primary school with the help from this nursery in the city. Take them to the school on a day…