
3 Tips To Planning A Successful Home Remodel

Are you looking to remodel your home? Renovations are a serious commitment, and taking on such a large project without the proper amount of planning can be disastrous.

If you’re determined to get the house of your dreams, you’ll want to do everything possible to set yourself up for success. From the financing to the labor, everything should be prepped and thought out before you pick up a single power tool (or hand it off to someone else). To ensure you do this right, read on for three tips for planning a successful home remodel! For a full guide on Home Remodeling, click here.

  • Clear Out

Renovating is going to be a lot harder when all your belongings are in the way. You’re better off renting a space or hiring to temporarily store your belongings in a container while the remodeling is still underway.

Clearing out your home—or at least the areas you’re working on—will be crucial to an efficient and successful remodel. Some ways to increase your space while working are:

  • Working on one room at a time
  • Staying in a hotel or with friends or family while remodeling
  • Renting a storage unit to hold furniture and other belongings

Getting your perfect home isn’t going to be easy. Your daily life is bound to be disrupted when large projects are taking up your space. Accepting this fact and finding a way to clear out the area is going to make the process easier for everyone involved.

Homeowner tip: When using a storage unit, keep a list of everything you have tucked away. This will make renovation life easier and more organized (because nobody wants to run around looking for things that aren’t even there).

  •  Make Sure You Can Afford It

Remodeling can be expensive. So where exactly is the money coming from?

  • A savings account
  • A reverse mortgage
  • Profiting from the home (this option is mostly for those who flip houses)

It’s important to understand what you’re getting into prior to beginning a remodel. Receiving an estimate for every part of the project will be crucial to saving the right amount. The last thing you want is an unfinished home because you ran out of funds halfway through the process!

Homeowner tip: If you want the option of a reverse mortgage explained more thoroughly, Good Life Home Loans has all the resources you need to understand this tricky process. 

  •  Take Weather into Account

Before you begin a remodel, you’ll want to take a hard look at the calendar. Home improvement projects, particularly outdoor ones, are going to be virtually impossible in a harsh winter climate.

Alternatively, summer months can also pose challenges with high temperatures, cramped spaces, and physical labor. When it comes to remodeling, here’s the low down on the highs and lows of each season:

  • January to March – Cold, dry conditions make this a good time to lay the groundwork for a remodel. Digging and laying down foundation will be easier in this climate, with harder ground and less mud to deal with.
  • April to June – Between April and June is the ideal time to start the bulk of your projects. These months aren’t so cold that work will be unbearable, but not hot enough to pose safety risks. If you’re doing a full remodel, outdoor projects should be completed within this time frame.
  • July to September – This is the ideal season for taking on indoor remodels. Bathrooms, kitchens, and attics are perfect projects to work on during these months.
  • October to December – With falling temperatures and busy holidays, this season isn’t recommended for any extensive renovations.

Homeowner tip: If you’re planning a remodel in the spring and summer, you’ll want to book help a few months beforehand. These are the busiest seasons for contractors, and reaching out too late will risk throwing you off schedule.

Wrapping Up: Make Remodeling Less Stressful

Home renovations are never going to be a breeze—but having your dream home will be worth it when you’re done.

The right amount of planning, organization, and budgeting are all crucial to a successful remodel. Good luck!

  • January to March – Cold, dry conditions make this a good time to lay the groundwork for a remodel. Digging and laying down foundation will be easier in this climate, with harder ground and less mud to deal with.
  • April to June – Between April and June is the ideal time to start the bulk of your projects. These months aren’t so cold that work will be unbearable, but not hot enough to pose safety risks. If you’re doing a full remodel, outdoor projects should be completed within this time frame.
  • July to September – This is the ideal season for taking on indoor remodels. Bathrooms, kitchens, and attics are perfect projects to work on during these months.
  • October to December – With falling temperatures and busy holidays, this season isn’t recommended for any extensive renovations.

Homeowner tip: If you’re planning a remodel in the spring and summer, you’ll want to book help a few months beforehand. These are the busiest seasons for contractors, and reaching out too late will risk throwing you off schedule.

Wrapping Up: Make Remodeling Less Stressful

Home renovations are never going to be a breeze—but having your dream home will be worth it when you’re done.

The right amount of planning, organization, and budgeting are all crucial to a successful remodel. Good luck!


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