The Baby Shower
On Friday night I went to my very first baby shower. My sister is due to have her first baby in 4 weeks time, and, as a huge fan of Sex in the City, was bound to have a girlie get together before her new little girl joins the family. The Baby Shower are an American idea that is starting to take off in the UK. This particular shower involved lots of pink fizz, very pretty cupcakes as the centre piece for a yummy buffet, girls night in music from Kylie, and lots of giggles and chatter. There were gifts for the new baby and a chance to have a…
How children decide the clothes we wear.
Poor Katie Holmes, she can’t seem to do or say anything right can she? Most recently, she has attracted criticism and ridicule after admitting that her daughter Suri sometimes chooses her outfits. In particular she pointed out the red evening gown with blue heels that she had worn to the Met Ball that had met with some mixed reviews. Heat magazine, in particular was quite scathing of Katie, printing some unflattering pictures and saying it was quite obvious that the clothes had been chosen by a child. But why the fuss? I think anyone with a young child would be the first to admit, that even if they don’t actually…