Tips for a bedroom makeover on a budget
Whenever we think of giving our bedroom a makeover, we always expect it to come with a huge budget. After all bedroom furniture does not come cheap. If you are not feeling too flush in the cash stakes, and if money is earmarked for other things due to the time of year, it may be that you decide to put the makeover off. But fear not, there are quick fixes that you can try that won’t break the bank and will leave your room looking new and fresh. Phil Spencer, well known for ‘Location, Location, Location’ has been working with British Gas to create some quick fixes for the home,…
Music Magpie – making money by Recycling
This morning I am going to tell you about a very useful website I have recently discovered. As regular readers of Fashion-mommy know, I am a huge fan of recycling and upcycling goods, I avidly sort out my rubbish, my wardrobe is regularly culled and unwanted stuff given to Charity Shops, and I am forever filling charity bags that land on my doorstep. But Website Music Magpie may well change the way I look at recycling in that you can actually make money from all manner of things that you may previously have given away, from old clothing to DVDs, from games and consoles to recycling your old mobile phone.…