Children demonstrate life difficulties after brain injuries through Art
Last week saw a very poignant and special art exhibition take place in the Town Hall Hotel, Bethnal Green in London. The exhibition was of artwork produced by a group of artists who happened to be children and teenagers with an acquired brain injury, and the paintings were an illustration of the difficulties they face in their everyday life.
The art project was organised by Child Brain Injury Trust for Action for Brain Injury Week, and was supported by law firm Bolt Burdon Kemp. The idea behind it was to illustrate that children and teenagers with acquired brain injuries experience difficulties in doing every day tasks that mean things we take for granted become a struggle. These include things like concentration and attention span, social skills, issues with memory, tiredness and fatigue and general communication. By using the work of children who are affected by these very issues, the message is powerfully made.
Lisa Turan, the Chief Executive of the Child Brain Injury Trust charity, explained the importance of the exhibition, saying “These are some of the difficulties faced by children with an acquired brain injury every day. We want this project to not just highlight some of the difficulties children with an acquired brain injury face. But also make adults think about how they act and react to children who may be exhibiting some of these behaviours and who unbeknown to them, have an acquired brain injury.”
There are hopes that the exhibition will travel around the country later on in the year, but, in the meantime, you can see a snapshot of some of the work below.
Collaborative post with Bolt Burdon Kemp.