How to Make This Birthday Special for the Man in Your Life
Every year, birthdays come and birthdays go. And, every year can feel exactly the same as the year before. You buy your man the gift he’s been hinting at, and you go to the restaurant you always go to every time a birthday, anniversary or holiday comes along. This year, you want to make it a special event. You want to show him you love him as much, if not more, than ever. Actually, this is one of those times when that old cliché holds true. It’s not the gift but the thought that counts. Put some thought into doing things out of the ordinary, and see if he doesn’t tell you this was the most special birthday ever.
Start with Breakfast (and a Little Romance) in Bed
When was the last time you served him breakfast in bed? Why not surprise him with a specially decorated tray for breakfast in bed. Wear that sexy negligee and put a rose on the tray. He will probably appreciate a rose bud just as much as you would. He might not say it, but the romance behind that bud says it all. Instead of reprimanding him for sleeping those extra minutes before work, serve him breakfast with love.
Add a Personal Touch to His Gift
While he expects that you will buy the gift that he’s been talking about for the past few weeks, why not add a new twist? Unless it’s too big to box and wrap, why not put it in a box within a box within a box? Or, you could make a special birthday card from one of many templates on the Adobe Spark website. You aren’t limited to the exact templates they have, because you can always add your own photos and greetings, but they give you a place to start. He certainly won’t expect anything other than the same Hallmark card he gets every year. This year, add a personal touch that he certainly won’t be expecting.
Delivery with a Smile
Another thing he won’t be expecting is having lunch delivered to him at his place of work. You could always have lunch delivered from the local pizza shop or Chinese restaurant, but why not deliver it yourself? What a surprise that will be! What could possibly be sweeter for dessert than a kiss from his beloved wife? Maybe, plan it in advance with his boss so that he can take a slightly extended break. Head toward the nearest park or waterfront if you are lucky enough to have one in the vicinity.
There are so many ways to make this a special day without spending an arm and a leg. Doing a couple of nice, little things to show him just how special he is to you will be the icing on the cake. Oh, and speaking of cake, don’t forget to do something unique with that as well. The more surprises you throw in, the more memorable this birthday will be.