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How to properly heal after an injury

All those that are doing sports can expect to be injured sooner or later. This is a usual part of the process. Naturally, nobody wants to get hurt and nobody expects it to happen. But the reality is that our bones and muscles are not indestructible. Like our entire body, they are susceptible to injuries and different issues that may occur during the training. Although we can’t control when or how we are going to get hurt, it is important for us to be reactive if such situation occurs. We need to know everything there is in order to counteract the consequences and return our body to an optimal shape. By following a few simple rules, we will be able to get back on track and continue making the results which were interrupted by these unfortunate circumstances.

My little sports star training with the Albion Foundation
My little sports star training with the Albion Foundation

The recovery process starts with a good rest. It is necessary to isolate the wounded area and to stop (or at least reduce) using the muscles and bones. Bandages and casts are immensely important for this, because when the wounded area is in firm grip, it reduces the pain and the swelling. Be careful not to overdo it; if you put a bandage too tight, you might lose the blood flow. In that case, loosen up the bandage. Don’t forget to put ice on it right after the injury because it will help you with the swelling. Don’t feel bad about; try to ask other people to assist you during this period because the good protection of would or injury can mean a lot in long term. If the bone doesn’t heal properly, you might have reoccurring issues.


Have in mind that the injury will cause you a lot of pain in the next few days. Stock up with the medicine from your local branch of You Drugstore. You will need something for pain and something for swelling. Body’s natural reaction to any injury or any foreign body is swelling and inflammation. This is how it shows that there is something wrong with us. We can prevent this by use of medication and ice. After a few days, you can start changing the ice with heat, and back again. At this point, you will need heat for circulation and ice for swelling. This is a process which is recommended by many physicians. After a week, start with minor motions, try to reactivate the muscles. Don’t do anything that is painful or awkward.

Important part of the healing process is diet. This is a tricky part for all the athletes. Those that are under a lot of pressure and have enormous food needs are likely to get a belly during this period. Remember, your body always takes enough food to satisfy its needs. When we train, we lose a lot of proteins and vitamins. We replenish them with certain diet. As soon as you stop training, the need for these substances is reduced. At the same time, your hunger usually remains the same. You need to adapt the food consumption up to your current needs. This doesn’t mean that you should reduce the protein and vitamin intake. Just the opposite; you will need them in order to repair injured tissue. You mustn’t eat fat or sugar. They will easily turn to fat and impair with your future training. It is imperative to eat food with high proteins and potassium for your muscles. At same time, consume groceries with anthocyanins and omega-3 fats so you can reduce inflammation.

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