New Ways to have a Girls Night Out and a Girls Night in
The cliche of a girls night out on the town, with lots of wine, heels and clubbing is fun when you’re younger – and even when you’re older, on the odd occasion. But lets face it, it’s gets boring. Night outs on the town always tend to end the same way, either you have to get a taxi back early because the baby sitter needs to be relieved, or you stumble home drunk after some ill advised dancing in a club full of youngsters and suffer through a monumental hangover for the next three days.
No one wants to completely shelve the drinking and dancing nights out with the girls – after all, much fun is often had and it’s great to dress up once in a while – but sometimes you just want to do something else with your friends, something that doesn’t necessarily involve massive expense and too much booze.
I’ve come up with some excellent ideas for alternative girls nights out – and girls nights in!
Book group
Yes, we know book groups have become a bit of a cliche, but they shouldn’t be underestimated when it comes to having fun. For those who aren’t big readers, it can be a way to get into books you wouldn’t normally have tried, and even if you’re not into them, arguing about why you think it’s rubbish can be just as much fun. Best of all, it’s an excuse to get your very busy friends together at a dedicated time every month, in the same room, where you can catch up, chat and have a laugh – and it doesn’t have to break the bank.
Knitting circle
It’s become clear that crafts and knitting are no longer the mainstay of the old and infirm. It’s been cool to crochet for a while now, and the added benefit for getting involved with any kind of crafting is you can make your own stuff. Baby blankets, scarves, presents, toys… all of these are within your grasp. The relaxation and sense of achievement that comes from actually making something of your own is also a plus, as is the fact that you can get all your crafty friends together and make a night of it. Wine is always an option too!
Hitting the bingo hall
Bingo is classic entertainment and, over the last few years, thanks to the popularity of best bingo uk it’s lost its stigma as a game for oldies. Getting a group of friends together and hitting the local Bingo house can be so much fun – and you get to win some cash as well! Food and drink tends to be cheap and it doesn’t cost much to play loads of games in a session, so it’s good value for money and definitely one for the competitive friends in your group!
Pick a film
Going to the cinema is inexplicably expensive these days – parking, a ticket and a drink can easily set you back over £15. Why not get the girls around to yours and take it in turns to pick a film – whether a classic or a new release – to enjoy as a group. The money you’ll save from not going to the flicks could be spent on wine and nibbles and it’s a guaranteed fun night out and in for everyone.