Saturday Night Fever Struts Its Stuff At The Alexandra
When it comes to iconic movies, Saturday Night Fever is right there amongst the best. With a career making performance by John Travolta, a timeless, classic soundtrack from The Bee Fees, and the white suit to end all white suits, Saturday Night Fever taught us to take life one strut at a time. Now the stage version is making a welcome return to Birmingham at The Alexandra and once again it has the crowds on their feet.
Richard Winsor is Tony Manero, a resident in 1970s New York who lives for the weekend and his nights as the dancing king. He has his pick of the girls, is the leader of his gang and life is generally ok. But the opportunity to enter a dancing competition, and meeting a new girl, Stephanie Mangano, who has aspirations far beyond his own small town fame, change life forever for Tony, with not everyone around him surviving the events.
The story of Saturday Night Fever is slight, it is the music, and above all the dance that sets it apart. The iconic dance routines from the club are brilliantly recreated, and in Richard Winsor the musical has an incredible focal point, masculine, sexy and a truly brilliant dancer. A ballistic solo towards the end is a high point, but the famous ‘more than a woman’ scene is just wonderful too. Kate Parr is elegant foil as Stephanie, crisp and brittle to begin with, but blossoming as the action moves on.
From the supporting cast, both Raphael Price, as the tragic Bobbie C, and Anna Campkin as the eternally spurned Annette, impress. The Bee Gees, Edward Handoll, Alastair Hill and Matt Faul are note perfect, and of course the songs are wonderful, my particular faves being ‘Nights on Broadway and ‘You should be dancing.’ The costumes too are wonderfully evocative of the disco era, an exciting time to be young, especially if you looked and danced as well as Tony Manero.
Great Entertainment.
Saturday Night Fever.
The Alexandra
Until 29th September.
Click here for ticket details.