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The FlyingKids Activity Book Reviewed.

Traveling with kids can be very stressful, even when you are taking a trip by aeroplane. Kids get bored very quickly, even when you are just taking a short haul flight, so it is important that you are prepared for this, and take a bag of goodies that will keep them busy and occupied for the journey. If you are traveling to Europe this Summer, the FlyingKids Activity Book Europe could be the perfect way to pass the time away as you travel to your destination.

The FlyingKids Travel Guide series is aimed at children aged 6-12, and offers information about the major countries of the world. It now has a sister companion piece, a colouring activity book full of pictures and quizzes based around some of the most important Countries and Cities in the World. The activities are educational, you learn about flags, culture, food and historical buildings, but also a lot of fun, especially for those who enjoy colouring it.

We have the FlyingKids activity book that is based all around Europe and are going to be taking it on our holiday next week as something for Joe to do on the plane, but I think you could use this book in lots of different scenario’s. This could range from teaching your child a little bit about a new place they are about to visit, building the excitement in the run up to a trip, or using it when you are actually on holiday when you are taking a break from the sun.

The books are lovely quality and are totally child friendly, with Leonardo, your tour guide, taking you from Italy to Germany, France to Spain, and then onto London. You see the Coliseum, the London Eye, the Brandenburg Gate and the Sagrada Familia, and hopefully your child will leave a little bit about the new places you are visiting through their book.

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