A coffee lovers guide
When it comes to beverages, I have to admit I am a coffee drinker. I do love tea, but given the choice, I will always choose coffee, whether it be latte, expresso or cappuchino or plain old decaf. There is something about the aroma that is just intoxicating, and nothing wakes me up in the morning better than a strong cup of coffee. Basically my day doesn’t start until I’ve had my caffeine fix.
House of Fraser are one of the key places to go if you want to get yourself a state of the art coffee machine, having a wide range that includes gorgeous machines from KitchenAid, Heston Blumenthal, Delonghi and Krups. I currently have my eye on an amazing contraption from KitchenAid that combines both a coffee machine and milk frother in one machine – the KitchenAid Nespresso Machine and Aeroccino Almond Cream. I think my kitchen really needs this!
If you love coffee like I do, you may like the cute infographic produced by House of Fraser that shows a little of the history of coffee, from the Coffee houses of the 17th and 18th Century, to the modern day of Starbucks, Costa and every sort of chino you can invent.
Enjoy – I’m off to stick the kettle on!
From my Instagram feed…