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Megableu games – Review and Competition

Following on from the Megableu games review that arrived just in time for Halloween, we recently received three further games from Megableu to play with and enjoy. The games were Cobra Attack, Trickin Camel and Alien Mission, and either one of these would be a very welcome addition to any child’s Christmas stocking. They show that games have come a long way from Ludo and Snakes and Ladders.

Joe totally fell in love with Cobra Attack, not least because it is a game that centres around a snake, which is my number one phobia and hence is very funny in the eyes of a 6 year old. The Cobra Attack game is easy to play, with a fabric snake that slots very easily into the plastic, woven effect basket.  The rules are really simple, you are trying to retrieve the emerald, of which the cobra is the guardian. You may move as long as the snakes eyes are green. But beware, if his eyes are red, he is watching you. You have to  grasp the emerald before Cobra sees you? After being caught 2 times, the Cobra jumps out of his basket and you lose!

 Cobra Attack Game by Megableu £24.99 Click to visit Amazon

Cobra Attack Game
by Megableu
£24.99 Click to visit Amazon

I really like that this is a decent, sturdy game, it doesn’t feel like it will fall to pieces after a few uses. I also love that this is a game that can be played by just one person, it means Joe can literally enjoy this any time he wants to, without needing an adult or a friend.

Alien Mission is a lot like Ghost Hunt in that you need the goggles and the gun to attack the aliens who appear on the walls all around the room. This game again is great fun, and best played in twos so you can attempt to beat each others scores. (We get very competitive in our house!). Take care though, you only need to shoot the aliens. I was very trigger happy and was shooting the robots too, it is just the aliens you need to get rid of.

 Alien Mission Game by Megableu £38.68 Click to visit Amazon

Alien Mission Game
by Megableu

We also have a third game that we have not quite got around to reviewing yet, this is the Trickin’ Camel that reminds me of an updated Buckaroo, the camel throws the bottles if he gets annoyed. We’re looking forward to enjoying this one once Joe breaks up from school.

 Trickin' Camel Game by Megableu £19.99 Click to visit Amazon

Trickin’ Camel Game by Megableu

Win – Competition time

You could win all five of the MEGABLEU games that we have been  reviewing. The games are Ghost Hunt, Cobra Attack, Creepy Hand, Trickin’ Camel and Alien Mission . You can enter below before midnight on the 6th December.
Megableu games giveaway

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