Striking a balance between work and motherhood
It’s not always easy to juggle different aspects of your life, especially if you have young children to look after and are working at the same time.
People who work away from home in an office and have to arrangechildcarehave one set of stresses and time management issues, while people who work at home and have the kids there too have another set of challenges. Of course, there are advantages to both styles of working. If you work for a company in an office, you can achieve that separation of home and work life more easily, but it’s not always possible to avoid bringing work home. Similarly, work at home mums have to be really disciplined about separation of time for being Mum, and time for being a working professional.
Few women ever achieve the perfect balance, but if you set yourself some rules to live by, it can be easier. It can also make you more effective too, in both your roles as mum and worker. There will always be times when something has to take precedence, though. For example, it could be that work has to take priority when you’re up against a particular deadline, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about having to skip one of the kids’ swimming or ballet classes now and then in order to meet those deadlines; just try to avoid it happening too often. And it works the other way, too, of course. If your child is ill, then the only option open to you is to postpone and rearrange work appointments until they’re better.
It’s also important to factor in time for yourself; otherwise you’re likely to have those times when you feel like you’re going to crash and burn. One way of putting everything into perspective and taking time to review how you’re handling life is to have a psychic reading at TheCircle for example. Many people now use psychic readings as a kind of counselling session and the fact that you can do this over the phone, by Skype or even on email means that you don’t have to take a great chunk of time out of your day to achieve it.
A reading can be really helpful at letting you see your situation more objectively, and can help you come to certain decisions that might make organising a busy life easier.