#FanDayFriday – A trip to Cadbury World
This week I had the pleasure of spending a fabulous family day at Cadbury World. One of the foremost family attractions in Birmingham, Cadbury World is a unique mix of history, heritage and fun attractions, all with the added attraction of chocolate, lots of chocolate. There really could only be one choice of topic for this week’s #FanDayFriday. Cadbury World is great value for money in comparison to other theme parks and attractions, with a family ticket costing just under £60 for 2 adults and 3 children. On a beautiful day you are able to enjoy the rather wonderful adventure playground, which caters for all ages, with slides and rope…
A day of pampering and fun featuring cake, frocks and Tilbury Taxis
Before I became a mother it is true to say that I took having time to relax or be pampered for granted. There was never any reason not to book a hair appointment, or take a trip to a spa, or just enjoy a day shopping and having a spot of lunch. But once Joe came along it was different. Time really does become the most precious of commodities when you have children, to put it in simple terms, your time is never your own. And even now, as Joe is getting older, this is still the case. I work during the day when Joe is at work, and then…
Chocolate Laden Afternoon Tea at Cadbury World
What in the world could be better than afternoon tea? Afternoon tea featuring chocolate products from Cadbury World, that’s what. Last week I went to experience this absolute treat with the lovely Emily Jayne, and we were treated to an afternoon tea with a definite point of difference, the sites and tastes of the Cadbury World Experience. Cadbury World is a real family experience, one which combines the history of the Cadbury family and Bournville, the village they founded, with the chance to see a real working factory producing the chocolate it is famous for, and the opportunity to taste it in it’s liquid stage. Cadbury World is, in its…
A trip to Cadbury World
Cadbury World is undoubtedly one of the Midlands biggest tourist attractions, and one which each year seems to go from strength to strength. Truly an attraction that has something to interest all ages, this season there has been the added interest of the Cadbury World 4d chocolate adventure which was launched in June, as well as the welcome visit of Zippy and George from Rainbow. Last Sunday, my family went along to enjoy a chocolate filled day at Cadbury World, and, as I sit here enjoying a Dairy Milk, I thought I would share our thoughts with you. Entry to Cadbury world is by time slot tickets, this means that…