Pass that MOT first time – A handy Guide
There is no worse feeling. Your car goes in for its MOT, you’re pretty sure it will pass, but then you get the phone call. It’s failed – on brakes, on lights, on suspension, on just about anything you did not suspect would happen. More money required, more time required, cue much snapping and snarling and choice words about the ‘bloomin’ car’ or something much stronger. Yet, many of the failures mentioned could be avoided if motorists carried out regular checks themselves. Motorparks, the car dealers who find both new and used cars from a range of manufacturers, have put together a very useful, cut out and keep guide, which…
Buying Your First Car
You’ve done it. You’ve past your driving test. Finally you will have your own set of wheels, and with it, your independence. So now all you need to do is find a car, something that suits you, your style and your budget. And this is where you suddenly start to hit problems, having lots of questions that need answers as you try to find yourself a good, reliable car that is value for money and will be dependable. Not easy is it? Motorparks ,who deal in both new and used cars and vans, promise you a better motoring experience, and to help you make the decision about whether to buy…