
Why It’s Worth Investing In High-Quality Designer Children’s Dresses For The Summer

In recent years our attitudes towards clothing, and in particular, so called ‘fast fashion’ has changed significantly. Whereas a bulging wardrobe was once something that we aspired to, shopping your wardrobe has now become an eco friendly trend. And whilst the popularity of stores like Primark, and supermarket fashion are undeniable, for many people this has become a real no-no, as the quest to find out where our clothes actually come from, what the carbon footprint is and how the people who created the pieces are treated as become more and more important. In short, we want more from our clothes, we want them to last longer, we want them to be more socially conscious and environmentally friendly, and we want them to earn their keep.

And yet this can be so much different when it comes to what we dress our children in. Sometimes it seems that the goalposts have been changed when we choose our children’s clothing, with arguments that it is not worth spending so much on their wardrobes due to wanting clothes that are practical, and that throwaway fashion is actually fine as they grow so much and so quickly. Luxury children’s dresses are something that is worn by the likes of the Princess Charlotte or Suri Cruise, and not for everyone. But surely every little girl deserves at least one knockout dress, a special piece. And designer dresses for girls can earn their keep in the wardrobe.

Here are some reasons why it may be worth investing in a Designer Dress for your own Princess.

Quality Wins

The thing about children’s clothing is that it is washed. A LOT. Children are not renowned for being clean and tidy, the slightest contact with food, the great outdoors, anything slimy or gooey, and they are instantly covered. Some would say this is a reason for not investing in clothing, but I would totally disagree. Quality clothing tends to wash beautifully and look as good as new, even after multiple wears and multiple washes. You don’t need to keep buying new clothing, because it retains the look of new clothing, and still feels as soft and wearable as it did when you first bought it.

When You Need Something Extra Special

Even if you decide on cheaper alternatives for day to day wear, or as play clothes, there are those occasions when you want something that little bit extra special, and that is where a designer dress may be the answer.

For instance, if your child is attending a wedding, or is even part of the wedding party as a bridesmaid or flower girl, then a high quality designer dress could be the special touch that just adds to the occasion. Maybe your child has won a special award, or has been invited to attend a red carpet event, this would call for a special dress. There are designers like David Charles who have ranges that are specifically designed for little girls, they have dressed the likes of Lourdes, Madonna’s daughter, and Dakota Blue Richards, who wore one of their gowns on the red carpet at the premiere of ‘The Golden Compass’.

Eco Friendly Choices

Ultimately, it stands to reason that if you pay more for your clothing, you are going to buy less of it, and wear it more. If you are trying to get rid of fast fashion in your life, you can also do this in your children’s life, and avoid buying the sorts of clothes that are currently filling landfill sites.

The better quality clothing can be kept for your younger children and handed down, particularly if you have opted for classic designs rather than fashion styles. You could also sell it on through resell sites if it has a desirable label, further supporting a ‘donate don’t dump’ ethos.



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