fashion,  High street,  money,  shopping – finding the best deals for you.

Question: Have you ever decided to buy something and then searched the internet for a voucher code? The answer is probably yes. Next question. Have you ever searched the voucher code sites and ended up really disappointed – no real offers, directory listings that are being advertised as ‘offers’ or ‘offers’ that you can find when you go shopping anyway – things like free returns or free delivery? I’m guessing the answer is probably yes once again. It is so frustrating that my voucher sites fill their pages full of offers, discounts and bargains that are anything but.

This is why I am so impressed with the ethics and ethos behind BetterVouchers. Rather than just printing loads and loads of offers that prove to be little more than hot air, Better Vouchers is all about cherry picking real offers that help you to truly save money and grab a bargain.  As they say themselves “…unless it saves you either 10% or £10 or more, we will not even post it.” How refreshing is that!


At first glance, BetterVouchers looks quite similar to any voucher codes website. It has a nice layout, easy to navigate and you can browse by category which is great. The way I understand it, their USP’s (unique selling points) translate as below:

  1. They will get rid of any ‘deals’ that won’t deliver what they promise by only including vouchers that give you genuine savings. If a deal doesn’t give you at least 10%/£10 off you won’t find it on their site, simple!

  2. Creating a community of money-savers who support each other by focusing on the deals. Being a community curated site, members either submit the offers or they would use the particular offer which will then get upvoted. In short, when someone uses a deal, it gets voted up and they call that ‘voting with their wallets’. There’s no point really in voting down an offer. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Simple, right?

  3. Posting anything that benefits you regardless of whether they are getting paid or not. Their main focus in on posting for their audience regardless if this brings the company any revenue. They have decided to do so as they are keen to support smaller companies that don’t necessarily have the budgets to advertise on these kinds of platforms.

  4. BetterVouchers promise to be as transparent as they can be and always respect their audience. Furthermore, the company encourages their readers to use Social Media as the main communication vehicle in order to keep the conversations as transparent as possible.

Another great feature is that you help to rank the discounts. Simply explained, every time a voucher code or deal is used, this gains that particular deal a vote. Deals with most votes are then featured on the homepage where they can be easily accessed – you can see what bargains are popular each day – this may be just what you are looking for. If you can’t find what you need, a simple search bar will help you to the best deal.

I love the simplicity of BetterVouchers, and the fact that the site is easy to use and offers me real savings. I have recently been looking for Marks and Spencer Voucher Codes (there’s a pair of sandals I’m desperate to get – a discount would be nice). The Marks and Spencer page reveals lots of great offers, from 50% off shirts, to free beauty gifts from Nuxe and Saint Tropez. A final great detail is that you are then also shown offers that people with the same search history as you have been looking at, for me this was supermarkets like Waitrose and Sainsburys.


BetterVouchers really are offering a point of difference to help you make real savings when you shop. If you’ve ever visited a voucher site and left when you couldn’t see the wood from the trees, this may just be the site for you.

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