
Booksy Reveal What We Really Talk About In The Barbers Chair.

Have you ever noticed that when you go to the barbers, or the hairdressers, you do a lot more than just get a haircut? It seems that sitting in that chair and getting to relax whilst you’re being pampered leads you to being able to release all your thoughts, feelings and gossip to a friendly listener. When we go to get our hair cut, we talk!

Booksy, which helps you to find and book beauty and wellness services in your area, have recently commissioned a survey to look at what we really discuss when we head to a barber or hairdresser. The results of their survey hold a few surprises.

What is not surprising is that in the past year, the most popular topic of conversation has been Covid 19. Barbers and hairdressers, indeed the whole of the beauty industry, were one of the professions that truly suffered due to the lockdowns, with businesses closed for long periods of time. It is no surprise that with Covid affecting so many people, that it would be something that would be talked about, with people sharing their own stories with a sympathetic ear and that is exactly what 67% of people have done.

More surprising to me is that so many people chat about their relationships and also about sex to their barbers. Although it would seem that opening up about a topic so personal to someone who could be a stranger would be something that us generally reserved Brits wouldn’t do, this assumption would be wrong, with 48% of us happy to talk about our personal relationships, and over a quarter (29%) happy to talk about sex. The key to this may be linked to another question Booksy asked about which beauty professionals advice we would be most likely to act on. 37% said barber, which surprisingly rated them higher than a personal trainer. Maybe we trust their opinions on more than just our hair?

Mental and physical health is another topic we discuss. I think this ties in generally with people now being encouraged to be more open about mental health issues. Being in the barbers seat can make us feel relaxed and soothed, with a hair cut being a form of self care that is so important when we discuss mental health. The fact that people, particularly young males, are now feeling able to open up about feelings and struggles, can only be a good and positive thing.

If you feel that you don’t talk enough, and maybe you need to take another look at your own self care, you can find all the services you need, close to your home, by taking a look at the Booksy site. Whether you need a good haircut, your nails sorting, or your eyebrows threading, you will be able to find a professional that suits you, and you will be ready to face the world looking your best.

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