Birmingham,  fashion,  High street,  shopping,  style

Dress yourself Slimmer with Pavilions

I just don’t do diets. Whether it’s down to lack of willpower or love of chocolates, I don’t even make those resolutions anymore. I know I won’t get past January 2nd before I reach for a Snicker. To make matters worse,I don’t really like the gym either, in fact, the idea of the gym brings me out in hives.

But these days, it’s good to know that there are ways to make yourself appear slimmer and more toned without resorting to a treadmill, lettuce leaf diet or liposuction. You can actually ‘Dress yourself slim’.

Pavilions Birmingham has embarked on a special campaign called ‘Positively Stylish – beat the blues with Pavilions Birmingham’. The idea of this campaign is to point out a range of flattering styles and garments that can flatter all sorts of body shapes and figures, whilst retaining a real sense of fashion and style. The items are  available from a host of Pavillions key style destinations including Hobbs, Marks and Spencer,  Evans and Monsoon. Each item  also has useful advice on why it is body flattering.

Here are some of the key items from Pavilions, along with their figure flattering advice.

One dress to flatter all! The neckline is great for ladies with a fuller bust and the three-quarter length sleeves slim the tops of the arms. The shape means it is flattering for bums, tums and thighs too.

NW3 Annabel Dress £169 Hobbs, Pavilions click to visit Hobbs


Strategic dressing can be a balancing act! The horizontal stripes will widen the figure giving proportion to those who are bigger on the top than the bottom. The red waist band will also highlight and narrow the waist.

Sally Striped Skirt £35 Monsoon, 



This beautiful shirt is great for emphasising a little waist, perfect for hour glass ladies!

Magenta Shirt £22.50 Marks and Spencer, Pavilions

If you get the foundations right everything else will fall into place!

You can give the illusion of a trim and toned body with Marks and Spencer’s great underwear collection.

Autograph Body £35 Marks and Spencer, Pavilions 




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