Enjoying those Fairy Soft moments
Joe started Year 1 last week, a really big moment where you suddenly realise that your baby isn’t your baby anymore, but a really grown up and independent little boy. Even on that first day, parents were not allowed into the classroom, but rather had to wave them off from the door. We weren’t allowed to sort out tuck money, but were instead asked to provide a wallet so that our children can pay for their own milk and fruit. And then yesterday, Joe ran straight off with his friends, chatting about football…and never returned to give me a goodbye kiss. I was absolutely bereft – where had my baby gone?
Fairy Non Bio have produced a gorgeous video entitled ‘The Softest they’ll ever be’, which is all about making the most of those cuddles and special moments that seem to be so plentiful before your babies start school. The first smile, the first step, the first time they leaned forward for a kiss, the first word, those early days are filled with so many wonderful moments that bring a sense of overwhelming love and pride.

And now…

Joe was a premature baby, a much treasured and loved little bundle who was simply the most beautiful child I had ever seen. In my eyes, he still is. He’s growing up so lovely, bright and enthusiastic, warm and funny. He makes wonderful memories every single day to add onto those he has already created. But it really does feel like yesterday that we were taking him home from the hospital, wearing a snowsuit that was enormous and seemed to bury him. And it is hard to believe that those nights, where two hours sleep seemed such a bonus, are now five years ago.
So if you have a pre-schooler at home, enjoy and cherish every moment of those cuddles, and embrace the #powerofsoft, because the memories you make now you will cherish forever.
*I have been recompensed for this post, all the views and memories are my own.
Kitty Kaos
Aw wow it is crazy how quickly they grow up what a cutie too xx
Tracey @ mummyshire
This post made me reflect and look back as my “baby” started preschool this wk. Only part time, but it means this is my last yr with him before he starts big school. Time goes by too quickly! Thnx for the memories xx
Chloe Griffiths
crazy how time fly’s by! I can still remember when I started year 1! x