children,  family,  food,  homewares

Making Pancakes with BlueZoo and Debenhams

Pancake Day must be rated as Joe’s favourite food event, he absolutely loves them, especially if eaten with ice cream or chocolate sauce. I, on the other hand, hate them with a passion, which, in the past, has made Shrove Tuesday, aka Pancake Day, a total non-event for me. But taking Joe’s love for the stuff into account, an invitation from Debenhams, and, in particular their fabulous clothing brand BlueZoo, to make pancakes with some new kitchen equipment` and lovely new season clothes for Joe was an offer that we couldn’t refuse. It was off to the supermarket to get batter mix and eggs for us.

Pancakes are such a fun and easy thing to make and they cost very little in ingredients.  Joe thinks they are a yummy treat, and one which he can be involved in the preparation of. He also gets very excited about the ‘flipping’ bit (and did ask what would happen if it got stuck on the ceiling…). Courtesy of Debenhams homewares selection, we had a lovely new mixing bowl to put the mixture in, and Joe worked himself into a lather whisking the eggs, batter mix and water together. (He had a little help from dad to get the lumps out.)

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Little Marco Pierre White getting himself ready to make some pancakes!

Once the mixture was smooth, it was added to a little oil in a frying pan. Joe wanted to make sweet pancakes with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, but Joe’s dad Pete decided a savoury cheese pancake would also be nice. The sweet ingredients were added once the pancakes were cooked, but the cheese was added whilst in the pan in order to melt it. Both were judged a success.






Chocolate sauce and sprinkles

Cheese pancake
The finished pancakes were served on our new Debenhams plates which we had chosen as part of a dinner service. Joe had such a wonderful time making pancakes and decreed the whole experience a huge success. The Tuesday we will probably be having pancakes again to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and I might even be tempted to try a honey one myself.

What fillings will you be having on your pancakes?


Joe looking super cute in BlueZoo
Joe looking super cute in BlueZoo
Happy Shrove Tuesday!
Happy Shrove Tuesday!

*We were sent a selection of BlueZoo clothing and Debenhams homewares to help us take part in this task.



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