Saving Money Shopping At Debenhams
I had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday on the subject of shopping. I am most definitely a shopaholic, I love the thrill of moving from shop to shop and being able to find a wide range of bargains. My idea of heaven is still a High Street with a good mixture of stores selling a variety of products. But my friend firmly explained that my idea of heaven is her idea of hell. She elaborated that when she shops, she prefers a traditional department store where she can pretty much shop for the whole family, and for the household, in one visit. She also feels the same when…
Mod style is back with Ben Sherman
If you are panicking that Father’s Day is now just five days away and you still haven’t found that perfect gift for your dad, or your baby daddy, I have one last gift idea for you. If the man in question is a fan of Quadrophenia, The Small Faces, The Who, Paul Weller or even Bradley Wiggins, he may well be a fan of anything to do with Mod Culture, and that could mean that Ben Sherman has the answer to your gift needs. Ben Sherman has been a British Mod Style institution since 1963. With it’s range of buttoned up shirts, grandad style t-shirts, slim fitting trousers and polo…
Making Pancakes with BlueZoo and Debenhams
Pancake Day must be rated as Joe’s favourite food event, he absolutely loves them, especially if eaten with ice cream or chocolate sauce. I, on the other hand, hate them with a passion, which, in the past, has made Shrove Tuesday, aka Pancake Day, a total non-event for me. But taking Joe’s love for the stuff into account, an invitation from Debenhams, and, in particular their fabulous clothing brand BlueZoo, to make pancakes with some new kitchen equipment` and lovely new season clothes for Joe was an offer that we couldn’t refuse. It was off to the supermarket to get batter mix and eggs for us. Pancakes are such a…