Safe Vaping Battery And Charging Advice For Families
I make no secret of the fact that I am a huge supporter of vaping, both as a way of cutting down on traditional cigarettes, and as a support for actually giving up smoking altogether. I witnessed my husband able to give up a 30+ cigarettes a day habit by using an e-cigarette, and this was something that has both improved his health and led to a fairly massive monetary saving.
Vaping is a cheaper option than smoking cigarettes, and one which certainly smells a lot fresher, but if you are thinking of vaping, there are some safety measures you need to be aware of, especially if you have young children living in your home. In the same way that you wouldn’t leave cigarettes, lighters and matches unattended where children are around, there are safety considerations that you need to remember, particularly when it comes to storage and safe charging of your e-cigarette. Fortunately E-Cig Wizard have put together a battery safe guide that gives lots of useful tips on how to store and charge your battery safely, and they are going to be expanding on this further this summer with a safe vaping guide.
So what do you need to remember when it comes to looking after your E-Cigarette? An important point is that you only use the charger that came with your e-cig, even if you have another one that will fit. The safest way to charge your e-cig is by using a charging bag (Ecigwizard sell one for just £4.20, which is so affordable for peace of mind.) Another point that you might not consider is that you should not over excessively charge the battery. This is not your mobile phone that you can leave on charge overnight, you should probably restrict charging to an hour or two, no longer.
It stands to reason that all paraphenalia linked to e-cigs should be kept well out of the way of young children, whether they are being charged or not. Use a high shelf in an out of the way place when charging, children are curious and will look at anything that seems to be interesting, so basically hiding these from young eyes is a good idea.
You can find a lot more hints and tips related to charging your vape battery by clicking here. Look out for a post all about safe use of vape liquid tomorrow.