One Man, Two Guvnors, Lots of Laughs
The famed National Theatre production of ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’ arrived in Wolverhampton last night at the Grand Theatre, and delivered laughs by the bucketload. This funny, irreverent and often rude masterpiece promised a sort of pantomime for grown-ups, and that was exactly what the audience got. I’m fairly sure a lady sitting behind me literally screamed with laughter – yes, it was that funny. One Man, Two Guvnors starts with an engagement party in Brighton. Unfortunately this one has been hijacked after the intended, prospective bridegroom Roscoe was stabbed to death. Still, the sausage rolls have been ordered so why waste a perfectly good party reasons Charlie the Duck…
The Curious Incident of the dog – Just awe-inspiring.
Every so often (if I am are truly lucky) I get to experience a piece of theatre that leaves me totally awestruck. Last night, at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, was just one of the those nights. The National Theatre production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, a play by Simon Stephens, based on the novel by Mark Haddon, is one of the most astounding pieces of theatre I have ever watched. With a star-making central performance by Joshua Jenkins, and an ensemble cast that would be hard to beat, I left the theatre both laughing and crying about what I had watched. The play is centred…