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Tips on How to Choose a Coloured Diamond for Investment

There are many advantages over choosing coloured diamonds for investment purposes compared to colourless diamonds. For example, you will increase longevity and demand whilst managing to dodge the fluctuations in inflation.

If this is your first time investing in coloured diamonds, however, you will want to do your research beforehand to get the most from your investment. Firstly, it’s good to know how to spot investment worthy diamonds and weigh up the potential return with the threats.


Finding reputable and qualified jewellers will go a long way to gaining valuable coloured diamonds. You will be able to find reputable dealers like Not only are they an international diamond importer dealing with GIA certified diamonds, they have over 15 years of experience in the field. With both experience and official certification on their side, these are the sorts of dealers you want to be looking at when you get searching for your investment diamonds.

So what are the best ways of going about the searching process anyway? We have gathered some of the best ideas to get you started so you can start researching instantly.


How to choose a coloured diamond:

  • Think about your budget: How much you have to spend will dictate the quantity you will buy. You should also consider how you want to split your money. For example, you may want to split your total investment so you buy four coloured diamonds instead of just one for a larger sum.
  • Start researching common vs. rarer diamonds: You may already know that some colours are more common than others. The rarer the colour, the larger the investment; but also the more potential returns you can gain. Some of the most common shades, for instance, are yellows, brown and grey. The semi-rare will be those on the spectrum of yellow which are generally stronger and bright. Then you will have the rarer shades which include pink, blue, purple, orange and green. If you can hunt down a red diamond, however, expect to pay a whole heap more as they are the rarest form of all coloured diamonds. Pink however can be a popular shade which holds its value over time. If you wanted to discover an exclusive range of Argyle Pink diamonds, once again Diamond Queensland offer a stunning range. You can see their collection by clicking here.
  • Always ensure you are buying and looking at GIA certified diamonds: Being the most recognised symbol of authority and authenticity in the market, looking for GIA is super important. So no matter where you shop, ensure the dealer can provide you with a GIA certificate as it’s the only way you will know what you’re buying is authentic.
  • Consider other important factors such as fluorescence, clarity, cut, carat: These elements will all need to be considered before you make a purchase. For instance, if you are buying yellow diamonds in particular, the fluorescence factor counts for a lot. Whereas not so much for other colours. Considering the 4Cs (cut, clarity, carat and of course colour is essential.


Now you know some of the essential elements to purchasing a coloured diamond which is a true investment, you will go into the process with more knowledge and confidence.


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